Saturday, August 22, 2015


I never claimed to be the smartest man
Often times my head in the sand
Bright beautiful sun-shiny day
All the children are at play
Dove outside my bathroom window
Grandma - is that you

You left me here - You left me here
All by myself
Got to figure it out on my own
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself

Where does it all end - and where does it begin again
again again again again 
again again again again
Have we reached the end of the road
Your love and light will over shadow


I feel like running through a field of light
Fasten the seat belt - and hold on tight
What is fake and what is real
Mother Earth before you I kneel
We are at your beautiful mercy
In spite of our human controversy


God, have mercy on our souls
Maybe put us on some kind of parole
For we get distracted by power and greed
Have forgotten to plant the seed

From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2013tm

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