Saturday, August 22, 2015


Something is wrong - came as a surprise
Things like this bring tears to our eyes
Just like your mother - you were strong and tough
But your physical body just had enough

Fanconi Anemia took your life
But you didn't give up without a fight
So much strength from a person so young
Soul shining bright like the mid day sun

Fly with the angels - sweet butterfly
Spread your wings and aim for the sky
Such injustice - Justice
Now you can rest - I miss you little friend
We will never forget


I only met you twice - Now I'll never see you again
Like rolling the dice - outcomes are uncertain
That's not true - we see you all the time
In the form of a butterfly


You inspired me in ways you'll never know
Little girl known as Justice Simone
At your funeral I felt the presence of God

The two strongest people in this world
A beautiful mother and her little girl
Now I'll drink my coffee in the morning light
And hope to see a butterfly


From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm

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