Saturday, August 22, 2015


We are born - I am born
I've chosen my vessel

Why am I here - on a spinning sphere
A love for mom and dad - unconditional love
Pure as a dove - not unlike heaven above

Now I'm growing up
School - job - sex - money
The ego forms - must have material things
My parents age
Then - the - rolls - change

The vessels who created me - slowly leave me
Then they are gone - I am now again
Pure as a dove

Memories begin to fade - I am now a dad
Blue eyes of innocence - look up at me
Pure as a dove - unconditional love
Now they grow up
School - job - sex - money

As I age - now the rolls have changed
My son holds my hand as I take my last breath
And I leave this vessel
I know why I'm here - on a spinning sphere
I leave my vessel
We die - I die


From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm

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