Saturday, August 22, 2015


My love affair - Spend it like I just don't care
God please hear my prayer
I just want to be a fuckin' millionaire
A millionaire - A billionaire
Throw it all around like I just don't care
I just want to be a fuckin' billionaire


Let's pile in my Ferrari and head downtown
Look in the mirror - adjust my crown
Schmooze with a Vanderbilt and Bill Gates
Johnny Walker Gold Label
Private Jet and Horse Stables


I can eat caviar like it's Spam
I'll treat you like my bitch because I can
I could buy your love and buy your soul
Maybe I'll just buy a high priced ho


I won't hang with Donald Trump
Loud mouth psycho - such a chump
Warren Buffet - don't think so
Oil wells and lots of blow
Finest Champagne - finest cars
Biggest houses - roof top bars
High priced hookers - London Castle
Poor people - don't need the hastle

Five thousand dollars to suck my dick
I'll leave it on the night stand
Wipe my ass with a hundred dollar bill
Because I can

From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm

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