Saturday, August 22, 2015


Won't you come outside and play
Don't care if you are straight or gay
Black White Asian Every Race

The next time that you ignore me
I think I will make you bleed
You gonna disrespect me?
Then meet Jonny Malignity


Political correctness has been beaten to death
I'm all for equality - but it's important to be free
Poisoned skies and poisoned food
Chemicals to effect your mood
What we need is a revolution
There's too much mental pollution

Bad vaccines - geoengineering
Is it all just conspiracy theories
I don't know but what I see
is a planet and country in need - of love

In the meantime - if you disrespect me
Then prepare to meet Jonny Malignity

Disrespect me one more time
Then you are out of my life
If you wanna fuck with me
Then you meet Jonny Malignity


I don't give a fuck if you call me a fag
I don't give a fuck about confederate flags
What I care about is freedom
Don't let governments mislead ya

 Television is a tool to turn us into slobbering fools
Be discerning with the internet
That has SOME truth and intellect

Don't you understand that all of these wars
Are all by global elite whores
It's up to us to keep our freedom
There is many more of us than them

Thank you for spraying the sky - daily
Military industrial complex
Slow genocide
The children you claim to love so much
What about their future

Vietnam - Iraq- Syria
And on and on
You've murdered my wife - my children
You've murdered my country - my world

You think you gonna cause me pain
I'll cause it right back - If you think I'll just bow down
Then you better kill me with a gun
Almost impossible to find truth in this 21st century
Delicate balance between being aware
And having fun


From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm

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