Saturday, August 22, 2015


Won't you come outside and play
Don't care if you are straight or gay
Black White Asian Every Race

The next time that you ignore me
I think I will make you bleed
You gonna disrespect me?
Then meet Jonny Malignity


Political correctness has been beaten to death
I'm all for equality - but it's important to be free
Poisoned skies and poisoned food
Chemicals to effect your mood
What we need is a revolution
There's too much mental pollution

Bad vaccines - geoengineering
Is it all just conspiracy theories
I don't know but what I see
is a planet and country in need - of love

In the meantime - if you disrespect me
Then prepare to meet Jonny Malignity

Disrespect me one more time
Then you are out of my life
If you wanna fuck with me
Then you meet Jonny Malignity


I don't give a fuck if you call me a fag
I don't give a fuck about confederate flags
What I care about is freedom
Don't let governments mislead ya

 Television is a tool to turn us into slobbering fools
Be discerning with the internet
That has SOME truth and intellect

Don't you understand that all of these wars
Are all by global elite whores
It's up to us to keep our freedom
There is many more of us than them

Thank you for spraying the sky - daily
Military industrial complex
Slow genocide
The children you claim to love so much
What about their future

Vietnam - Iraq- Syria
And on and on
You've murdered my wife - my children
You've murdered my country - my world

You think you gonna cause me pain
I'll cause it right back - If you think I'll just bow down
Then you better kill me with a gun
Almost impossible to find truth in this 21st century
Delicate balance between being aware
And having fun


From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm

I was too blind to see the writing on the wall
Looking up instead of down
I think it cause me to fall
Left hand over right to protect my balls
If you didn't have bad luck you'd have no luck at all

Speed is goin' down - I'm about to stall
Now you gonna miss it - they've given last call
You in this crazy life for the very long haul
If you didn't have bad luck you'd have no luck at all


I guess I need to work on my poker face
I'm just asking for directions and I got sprayed with mace
I won the lottery but the ticket blew away
I think I'll pray
I'll never sit at the side of the road
Exposing my wounds screaming it's destiny
Bitten by the one flea with a disease
I think I'll scream

Love at first sight with the girl next door
Little did I know she's a whore that snores
Took out my underwear from the Goodwill sack
Got the one pair that happened to have crabs

Went to the store - bought some chicken
now with salmonella I am stricken
Wish I had known that it was recalled
If I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck at all

Bad Luckkk
Bad Fuckkk

From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth  Entertainment 2015tm


My love affair - Spend it like I just don't care
God please hear my prayer
I just want to be a fuckin' millionaire
A millionaire - A billionaire
Throw it all around like I just don't care
I just want to be a fuckin' billionaire


Let's pile in my Ferrari and head downtown
Look in the mirror - adjust my crown
Schmooze with a Vanderbilt and Bill Gates
Johnny Walker Gold Label
Private Jet and Horse Stables


I can eat caviar like it's Spam
I'll treat you like my bitch because I can
I could buy your love and buy your soul
Maybe I'll just buy a high priced ho


I won't hang with Donald Trump
Loud mouth psycho - such a chump
Warren Buffet - don't think so
Oil wells and lots of blow
Finest Champagne - finest cars
Biggest houses - roof top bars
High priced hookers - London Castle
Poor people - don't need the hastle

Five thousand dollars to suck my dick
I'll leave it on the night stand
Wipe my ass with a hundred dollar bill
Because I can

From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm


Money changes everything

You are just paper - We call you cash
You're wrinkled and sticky - And you smell like ass
But we want you - we want you

You make people kill - you break up families
It cost too much to rid my cat of its fleas
But we want you - we want you

Cash - Dough - Pelf - Bread
Give me some more
I'm F-ing tired of being poor
I don't want to have to rob a bank
So get in my pocket dead president skanks


Deficit - Fiscal cliff
Shiny wealth - Poverty
They say it doesn't buy happiness
But I'm sorry - that's bullshit

If I have to go to Coinstar again
Without a doubt - you'll have to bail me out
Of Jail


From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2013tm

Because I have bad thoughts about you
Because sometimes I want to murder you
It doesn't mean I don't love you
And yes I will still fu-uck you

You have so many great qualities
But your craziness overshadows these
I ask myself is it worth the Torture
I guess it is because I love her

The first time that we met
I instantly began to sweat
Huge lump formed in the front of my pants
Then I asked you to dance

Beautiful wild eyes - We'd have some crazy times
But now I need to rest - And now I must confess


Didn't take long for me to see
That you weren't acting right
How did passionate love - turn into constant fights

Now girl, you frighten me - I was blind now I can see
Blinded by my love for her - Now it's nothing but Torture

After all of the horrible things you've said
I still allow you in my bed
You said you wished that I was dead
The next minute you're giving me head

Your incessant insecurity - Your neurotic jealousy
I would take a bullet for you
But that's just not enough for you

Just walk out - I wish I could
The bad times far outweigh the good
I thought our love would bring us pleasure
Not Anymore

I breath too loud - you go ballistic
Maybe I'm just masochistic
You better check yo' self
Before I walk out that door

From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm


I never claimed to be the smartest man
Often times my head in the sand
Bright beautiful sun-shiny day
All the children are at play
Dove outside my bathroom window
Grandma - is that you

You left me here - You left me here
All by myself
Got to figure it out on my own
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself

Where does it all end - and where does it begin again
again again again again 
again again again again
Have we reached the end of the road
Your love and light will over shadow


I feel like running through a field of light
Fasten the seat belt - and hold on tight
What is fake and what is real
Mother Earth before you I kneel
We are at your beautiful mercy
In spite of our human controversy


God, have mercy on our souls
Maybe put us on some kind of parole
For we get distracted by power and greed
Have forgotten to plant the seed

From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2013tm


Something is wrong - came as a surprise
Things like this bring tears to our eyes
Just like your mother - you were strong and tough
But your physical body just had enough

Fanconi Anemia took your life
But you didn't give up without a fight
So much strength from a person so young
Soul shining bright like the mid day sun

Fly with the angels - sweet butterfly
Spread your wings and aim for the sky
Such injustice - Justice
Now you can rest - I miss you little friend
We will never forget


I only met you twice - Now I'll never see you again
Like rolling the dice - outcomes are uncertain
That's not true - we see you all the time
In the form of a butterfly


You inspired me in ways you'll never know
Little girl known as Justice Simone
At your funeral I felt the presence of God

The two strongest people in this world
A beautiful mother and her little girl
Now I'll drink my coffee in the morning light
And hope to see a butterfly


From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm

We are born - I am born
I've chosen my vessel

Why am I here - on a spinning sphere
A love for mom and dad - unconditional love
Pure as a dove - not unlike heaven above

Now I'm growing up
School - job - sex - money
The ego forms - must have material things
My parents age
Then - the - rolls - change

The vessels who created me - slowly leave me
Then they are gone - I am now again
Pure as a dove

Memories begin to fade - I am now a dad
Blue eyes of innocence - look up at me
Pure as a dove - unconditional love
Now they grow up
School - job - sex - money

As I age - now the rolls have changed
My son holds my hand as I take my last breath
And I leave this vessel
I know why I'm here - on a spinning sphere
I leave my vessel
We die - I die


From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm


Doesn't take much to make me happy
Indiana boy is gettin' sappy
Yellow room filled with balloons
Jonny gettin' down to this happy groove


Lilac smell - cat writhing in the sun
Twenty dollar bill found in my pants pocket
Didn't know I had it - fell outta my wallet

Swimming pools - spring breeze through my hair
Only like things that make me smile
Anything else well that is just vile

Wanna get away from anything crappy
Negative vibes are just plain yukky
Unabashed laughing makes me feel lucky

World peace and no more war
Propaganda filling my brain with clutter
TV off and music on mutha fucka


Hot chicks on the beach - tight thong bikinis
Rubbing it down like a lamp for a genie
Vodka and Redbull and some cocktail weenies

Margarita on a warm summer day
Makes me happy - I like it that way
Indiana boy is gettin' kinda sappy
I just want to be happy

From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2013tm


I may not have been the greatest son
Fucked up a lot when I was young
But as time went by - I got wiser
Lock out self doubt and aim higher

Just a whiteboy - tryin ta make it in this world
Blue eyed blonde hair boy and girl
There's no future and there is no past
Let's make every present moment last


I may not have been the greatest friend
I did the best that I knew how
I guess what matters in the end
That I got better in the here and now

From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm


Like I said we were just like magic
When you left me that was so tragic
I'm not gonna beg you to stay
Standing on the bridge at a quarter past 7
A few minutes later you're in heaven
Why did you leave me this way


The world just stopped the minute you died
Tear ducts dry I can no longer cry
So selfish of you to leave me
You are on a light filled journey
A much better place with no more worry
While down on Earth we all grieve

You and me we were just like magic
When you left me that was so tragic
Why did you leave me this way
Standing on the bridge at a quarter past 7
A few minutes later you're in heaven
I'm not gonna beg you to stay


No more body you're bathed in light
I feel your presence even though you're not in sight
I can't seem to drag myself out of bed
So many things were left unsaid
I fooled myself to think that I was strong
It's not the first time that I've been wrong
Guess there's not much left to say
So I get down on my knees and pray


Stayed up all night with your wedding dress
Tear stained satin - I'm such a mess
 The pain is like a dagger in my heart
You took away our glowing future
And nothing left but a heart broken suitor 
Where do I click restart

I have to let you go - move on with my life
Scare up a Quija board to talk to my wife
One day I will see you in the light


From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2014tm


I am a star
But nobody knows who I am
Worship Me - Love Me

Envy - Lusting
Why can't you be Starstruck with me
I work so hard - I deserve it
Why can't I have it


I just want to be remembered
Leave my mark on this world
Don't forget me - I'll make you see
I am a star

From the Jonsona album - Jonny Malignity
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm